The "all-in-one" created by & for physiotherapists!
Changes in demographics (aging of the population) and changes in the demand for health care, pharmaco-economics (quality and traceability of procedures) and technological demand have had a profound impact on the private practice physiotherapy... Kinevolution® was therefore developed with private practice registered physiotherapists and salaried staff to meet the needs of office practice and their patients, while remaining financially accessible.
This is the first functional isokinetic apparatus intended for private practice. Several machines are no longer required, as our machine has multifunctional possibilities and thus enables the physiotherapist to benefit from a wider range of therapeutic uses and even to push boundaries in terms of the options within current health care!
Kinevolution® authorises a wide variety of movements of the upper and lower limbs in order to approximate as closely as possible daily motor and biomechanical reality, while allowing the physiotherapist to comply with steps and times of progression and rehabilitation imposed by each pathological condition. It allows analytical and global workup of muscle-joint units in 3D, not only in a one dimensional plane. It reproduces the mechanical constraints of manual resistance by means of a method of regulated control of force (in aided active mode or against a resistance), it enables Isokinetic exercise (concentric and eccentric) and also produces passive mobilisation and isometric workup.
It also offers the possibility to dissociate the work of the agonist and antagonist muscles with return to passive initial position, or to combine agonist and antagonist work within a given exercise.
This multifunctional aspect provides it with a multi-therapeutic purpose for all patients, both seniors or younger people, athletes or sedentary and disabled people. A guarantee of its high rate of use!
You are in private office practice : For further information…
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You work in a Hospital Centre, a Rehabilitation Centre, a Specialist Centre, etc.: For further information…
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Evaluation, Prevention, Training, Rehabilitation...
The physiotherapist performs the majority of procedures for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in the health care course in orthopaedics, rheumatology, traumatology outside of acute episodes of injury and neurology. Kinevolution® therefore is a tool for use in multiple disorders, which enables overall management of the patient in a single piece of equipment adapted to a quality system of procedures...
A single piece of equipment that does it all…
Qualified as "all-in-one" because it is multifunctional, Kinevolution® alone performs different tasks which usually require several devices. Kinévolution is a rehabilitation device that enables the practice of analytical and functional exercises adaptable both to the upper and lower limbs, by means of specific grasping instruments, readily interchangeable, and the ability to adjust the height of the device by simple fingertip touch.
Dedicate yourself to your patient and let your automated assistant manage the mechanics…
The benefits in manual resistance are one of the pillars of the physiotherapist's work. Today, you can do it differently and more precisely.
Kinevolution® enables you to be relieved of the physical effort of manual resistance. You can dedicate yourself fully to your patient, both of your hands are free and you can position at 360° around them to correct a posture, to verify tension points, etc. Your mind is completely available and you can focus on stimuli and coaching. You have a screen where you and your patient can follow the exercise in real time. By adding visual stimuli (more qualitative) to oral stimuli, you double your channels of communication with your patient.
You are in private office practice : For further information…
(Please contact us for more specific questions: Please Click here).
You work in a Hospital Centre, a Rehabilitation Centre, a Specialist Centre, etc.: For further information…
(Please contact us for more specific questions: Please Click here).
Kinevolution® measures all physical dimensions relating to your patient's movement. You have objective, precise and comparable data... In each step, you can redisplay immediately an exercise performed 5 minutes ago, one week or two years ago on the screen, or display graphs on your patient's progress in his healthcare course.
Access the method of evaluation and rehabilitation to 3,200 scientific publications…
Isokinetics is now available for private office practices and all centres: positioning of the patient is very simple, no specific adjustment based on physical characteristics, only 40 seconds are needed to construct a session, it is possible to modify the exercise in real time, with short training, reduce the amount of space necessary and it is financially accessible… Kinevolution® has been designed with private practice and salaried physiotherapists in mind for your requirements.
Furthermore, Kinevolution® is the first functional isokinetic equipment, allowing the workouts of overall muscle and joint units in 3 dimensions and not only in one plane.
Simple and fast for all your patients !
Kinevolution® adapts to all types of human movement, whatever the user's morphology. By means of its distal effector, no adjustment is necessary to position the patient, i.e. seniors, younger subjects, athletes, people who have had an accident in everyday life or disabled people, positioned on the equipment in standing, seated or supine position. The practitioner chooses the specific grasping tool for the limb being rehabilitated, positions his patient according to the movement to be performed and automatically adjusts the device to the desired height according to posture. The therapist defines the angles of freedom of movement according to the space in which he wishes to work very simply (by positioning mechanical blocks); the entire set up is designed to take only a few seconds. All exercises can be initiated in 3 seconds or be configured specifically according to your wishes in less than 40 seconds on the touch screen.
The physiotherapist’s practice, whether he is a general practitioner or a technical specialist, thus benefits from the best rehabilitation techniques which are adapted to his needs in a safe working environment.