Produced by physiotherapists...
for physiotherapists...

The ADVANTAGES of Kinevolution

Easy-to-use and appropriate for all types of needs : 

The movement to be performed is configured on the apparatus by the practitioner and is performed by the patient. The practitioner checks the patient's positioning.
The development of exercises or of a complete programme can be done as follows:

  • By configuration of force, movement, speed, duration of movement, number of repetitions and even rest time;
  • By changing the exercises pre-recorded in the device;
  • By changing the exercises previously performed by the patient;
  • By recording via prior learning of the gesture by the patient with the apparatus.

The therapist can, if he so wishes, carry out the programme of one session simply by calling up exercises that he will have potentially configured or by switching up the parameters from the previous session based on the patient's results.

A simple evaluation and quantified follow-up of progress: 

The apparatus incorporates a database in which the curves and results obtained are memorised during exercise by patients. It is possible to make comparisons between the healthy limb and the injured limb, or to establish comparatives in the history of sessions indicated the patient's progress.
A rehabilitation session can include several exercises and can be renewed automatically.
Use during several sessions demonstrates the specific effects of a programme or of an exercise.

Focusing on the patient with the new communication tool :

Equipment in the Kinevolution® product range relieves the Physiotherapist-Massage Therapist of the duties of manual resistance and thus enable him to focus 100% (all) of his attention on his relationship with the patient in order to correct a posture, to guide a movement, to prevent compensation but also to give an even wider place to human relations and to coaching.
The Kinevolution® products offer new elements of control and explanation:

  • The exercise can be visualised by the patient on a screen.
  • During the exercise, the apparatus can inform the patient, can give him or her indications to correct his effort, or to help him in understanding his progress during an exercise.
  • After the exercise, the practitioner can share the results with his patient and comment on progress.

Equipment which can be adapted and progressively modified :

The programmes can be adapted very simply based on results of the test session or of the previous session.

Furthermore, the practitioner can introduce conditions for change of the exercise during the workout according to the patient's stamina. By means of recording each session, the therapist can update his therapeutic programme at the start of the next session. The programme can also be modified at any time and in real time during a session, i.e. according to predetermined criteria by the therapist or using a computer.