Produced by physiotherapists...
for physiotherapists...


The desire to improve the condition of people who require a physical rehabilitation course of action, technical innovation and ethical values shared by the founders form our company’s core values, whether in internal relations with our salaried staff or in our external relations with clients, service providers, investors, and generally all people in contact with the firm.


These values are :

    • Improving the process of functional rehabilitation dedicated to use by the therapist,
    • Improving the experience of rehabilitation of the patient under treatment, Taking the initiative and of always providing added value to our clients,
    • Keeping our commitments and transparency in dealings with our clients.
    • Developing an equitable ecosystem by ensuring the fair cost of our products to enable the dissemination of therapeutic advances.

    By making available to therapists a product certified as a "Class II Medical Device" on day one of its marketing, developed by a firm whose Quality Management system has ISO certification 13485:2012, we seek to offer our clients the highest level of quality.

    By investing long years in R&D with the best specialists in our products, we offer innovative solutions to our clients for their greatest benefit and that of their patients.

    By marketing our products with reduced profit margins compared to industry standards, we ensure a selling price which enables the circulation of these therapies to the largest number of recipients: private office practices and rehabilitation centres.

    Both by our positioning as a "product 100% developed and manufactured in France", we wish to support the local economy and offer our clients an additional commitment of quality.

    "On the Path, as in life, wisdom has value only if it can help man overcome an obstacle."
