Private Office Practice
Whatever your knowledge and experience with computers, whatever your patients' profile, whatever your schedule, Kinevolution® will adapt to your needs.
Your colleagues have imagined it for them and for YOU!
By means of ongoing collaboration between our group of physiotherapists, the majority of whom are in private practice, and the development teams, our physiotherapy equipment benefits from a unique position on the market for rehabilitation. Qualified as "all-in-one" because it is multifunctional, this equipment meets the majority of your requirements in your office practice and therefore does not require you to purchase any other equipment. Furthermore, they open up to private practice physiotherapists' access to new therapeutic procedures. They enable analytical and functional movements in different modes of working: isokinetic, control of effort in active exercise resisted or active against resistance, or isometric.
Easy to use and intuitive, Kinevolution® has a touch screen enabling direct access to all your modules: patient management, assessments, rehabilitation, schedule, favourites, etc., easy to handle and enabling fast utilisation.
Because a physiotherapist's time is valuable, Kinevolution® is designed to launch an exercise within a few seconds and less than 40 seconds is enough to schedule complete sections, because you always have the solution at your fingertips.
A few examples:
- No adjustment is needed for your patient's morphology, thanks to its distal effector
- Positioning of a patient as for a series of manual resistance and motorised adjustment of height based on posture (standing, seated or supine on a massage table), when necessary
- The possibility of duplicating the last session by simple fingertip touch and changing everything just as simply based on the previous results which are automatically displayed (and therefore you can share this with your patient)
- Possibility of adjusting speed, number of repetitions, break time, simply by touching the numerical value displayed and right in the middle of the session, without having to reprogram anything whatsoever
- Possibility of changing a curve of instruction and amplitude (angulation) simply by allowing the graph curve to slide under your fingertips and immediately reinitiate the exercise
- If an exercise that you have modified is particularly useful to you, it will automatically be saved; you can even rename it or bookmark it as a favourite for yourself, and your colleagues can re-launch it directly from the home screen.
- If a session performed with a patient corresponds perfectly to a recurrent need in your practice (compared to a disorder, a need for training, etc.),you can make it a model session with a single click, you can rename it, and it will not retain any data from the first patient and can be reused over and over, or even improved subsequently to create a new model session.
- Biofeedback guides the patient. The patient anticipates, focuses his effort on your curve of instruction, improves himself and gains in autonomy. You can coach him in real time. You can interpret his results with him post hoc for educational purposes.
- Your patients are never unhappy: they have their assessments, their analogue exercises and then their functional exercises on a single machine.
- You can, by touching a single touch button, print results or statistics in a file. The patient can go home knowing that, for example, he has progressed in his muscle strength, symbolised by easy-to-understand graphs. You can address his results by email to the prescribing doctor.
- Etc.
For further information...
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Isokinetics in your office
You read articles on isokinetic exercises, you even may have been trained in isokinetics, but you find this too complicated, too expensive or too are going to change your opinion!
Our equipment offers to private practice therapists access to techniques which up until now were reserved for large hospital centres:
- All the therapeutic benefits of isokinetics that you have read in a technological concise report,
- Objective measure of your patient's dynamic efforts in real time for evaluation and coaching,
- Objective longitudinal follow-up of the patient, session after session, a true applicational innovation to quantify his actual progress,
- Cross-sectional follow-up in a group of the same type (disorder, physical characteristics, etc.) to spread out your results… or to publish them.
For further information ...
(Please contact us: Please Click here).
You have questions:
How much time is necessary to train myself in use of the equipment?
A few hours, during its installation. It has been designed for that! Of course, you can specialise subsequently with training cycles (ask us).
We must not make our patients wait, how much time to initiate a session?
In a new session for a new patient, you will launch the exercises one after the other. Only a few seconds is necessary to select an exercise. Your session will be built progressively. At the following session, you can decide to leave it, that the equipment will have automatically created and modified (withdrawal or addition of an exercise simply by sliding with a fingertip touch or a change in the parameters of your change in any exercise). In both cases, the patient will not lose any time, since you can use the visual aspects which will be displayed at your fingertips to explain the programme of the session to him.
My office is small, will I have enough room?
The equipment by itself takes less than half of the floor area of a training cycle. If you do not use it at any time, which will be very rare, the arm will be positioned above, directed toward the ceiling, and a massage table can be placed in front of our product. Of course, since this involves functional rehabilitation, it is necessary to have space to carry out the movement. It is the movement which takes room, not the equipment.
I don’t plan to make any investments this year…
Don't imagine that the cost is excessive, such as that for equipment for centres. Instead, it is an investment in line with your means of financing and private practice. The investment is comparable to budgets for products which you may already have in your office.
If you have a question, if you wish to ask us…
Write or contact us directly on phone No